Money transfers
Send international transfers without the need of having a foreign currency bank account
Send money quickly, cheaply and safely 24/7
Send more money by saving on the currency exchange
Use the currency converter and find out how much you can save by using the currency exchange on our platform.
I have 4,4793 1
PLN Polski złoty
EUR Euro
USD Dolar amerykański
CHF Frank szwajcarski
GBP Funt brytyjski
NOK Korona norweska
SEK Korona szwedzka
DKK Korona duńska
CZK Korona czeska
HUF Forint węgierski
AUD Dolar australijski
CAD Dolar kanadyjski
RUB Rubel rosyjski
TRY Lira turecka
ILS Szekel izraelski
BGN Lew bułgarski
RON Lej rumuński
I want
PLN Polski złoty
EUR Euro
USD Dolar amerykański
CHF Frank szwajcarski
GBP Funt brytyjski
NOK Korona norweska
SEK Korona szwedzka
DKK Korona duńska
CZK Korona czeska
HUF Forint węgierski
AUD Dolar australijski
CAD Dolar kanadyjski
RUB Rubel rosyjski
TRY Lira turecka
ILS Szekel izraelski
BGN Lew bułgarski
RON Lej rumuński
What are the characteristics of our money transfers?
No need to maintain a foreign currency bank account
Advisory services from our experts
Money transfer is a service consisting of the acceptance of funds by an authorized entity and their transfer to an indicated recipient.
A bank transfer can only be made between people with access to bank accounts. A money transfer can be made to a payee who does not have a bank account. Trejdoo gives you various options for sending funds. You can send money to another Trejdoo user. The exchanged currency can be sent to a multi-currency wallet, which is integrated with the IgoriaCard multi-currency card.
Trejdoo money transfers can be ordered in currencies that are available on the platform. If you do not have the proper currency, you can make an online exchange in our exchange office.
We send money transfers to nearly 200 countries. We care about the safety of our clients and the highest AML standards, which is why we cooperate with countries that obtained a score above 60 points ranked by
Registration and opening of a currency wallet from which money transfers are ordered is free. Transfer fees are low and details you can find in the table of fees.
How can I transfer money?
Top up your account on our platform
Choose the currency you want to send
Enter recipient's details
Choose the transfer type
Confirm the transfer
Confirm the transfer
Choose the transfer type
Want to send money?
Follow the instructions, to send money even faster.